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We are an eco-hotel with an emphasis on health and well-being in harmony with our semi-rural environment. Therefore, we are in constant growth, guided by a vitalistic philosophy that seeks physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, and spiritual well-being.


To INSPIRE AND EMPOWER people to make healthier decisions and enjoy an active lifestyle with family and friends. The current global health situation reminds us of the importance of having a strong immune system. Community Values

  • Service: Punctuality and sustained dedication. We are willing and available to assist our collaborators.

  • Passion: We take pleasure in our mission, contributing positive energy, encouragement, and vitality.

  • Respect: We believe in respect and its dynamics as a stream of appreciation for ourselves and others, recognizing diversity and the worth of every human being.

  • Growth: Every individual achievement contributes collectively to achieving the best for each member of this community.




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